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Limited Financial Assistance

DFW Metroplex

In this section you can find Limited Financial Assistance. One link goes to the Dallas County Area and the other link to Tarrant County area. For better results, call the phone numbers and visit their websites.

 En esta sección encontrara los listados de refugios para Asistencia Limitada Financiera. Uno de los vínculos es para el Condado de Dallas y el otro para el Condado de Tarrant. Para mejores resultados, por favor llamar por teléfono y visitar sus paginas electrónicas.  


Affordable car loans

  • Character Based Lending Review
  • Credit History taken into consideration as well your character.
  • Monthly take-home pay needs to be $1,800 or more.
Visit On the Road Lending to Apply and Learn all their requirements.

Domestic Violence Shelters

DFW Metroplex and Vicinity

Domestic Violence Shelters or Intimate Partner Violence Shelters- IPV -have limited space available to protect those escaping an abusive relationship whose lives are in danger unless they act. Most domestic violence providers have supportive services such as transitional housing and case management, but not all do. Consider calling the Transitional Housing Organizations that can offer longer stay and have more housing options. Please look at the button below to find the list of shelters in the Greater Dallas-Fort Worth area.
Refugios de Violencia Domestica  - cupo limitado