About Arlington Online Resource Guide - Informacion en Espanol

Arlington Online Resource Guide is a free tool sponsored by NXT Mental Health to help individuals and families find existing resources in the City of Arlington, TX, the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, and search engines that can help solve current needs. The page re-directs toward the existing Non-Profit, Government, and Social Well-Being organizations and groups. The links exist in all search engines as free public domain entities.

 All links work as of the last check, October 1, 2023, and go to the public domains. If you are a member of one of those links and prefer to unlink, or if your link needs to get added, please email arlorg811@gmail.com. All rights are reserved.

 Person in the Environment, Systems Theory - the guide offers the resources, research engines, and links for each user to determine the best options to respond to individual needs according to their circumstances.  

 Rogerian Theory – Carl Rogers Person-Centered therapy resources, each user identifies their needs and searches for the best solutions available.   

 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Resource interpretation as interpreted in the online guide.

 Basic Needs – Resources for physiological needs include food pantries, clothing, housing options, shelter, mobility (transportation), and health. Successfully meeting these essential needs allows seekers to move on to the safety needs stage.

 Safety Needs – Resources for safety needs include employment, family well-being, childcare, after-school programs, summer programs, legal aid, single-parent assistance programs, counseling, and physical health.

 Love and Belonging Needs – The resources for love and belonging include Healthy Eating and Physical Exercise, Parenting Support, Tutoring, Senior Living 55+, Senior Independent Living, SNF -Skill Nursing Facilities, Mental Health, Substance Use Recovery Treatment Facilities, NXT GEN Mental Health – Youth Online Use Awareness, Prevention, and Intervention programs.

Esteem Needs – Volunteering, community building activities, participating in city-wide events, helping those in need.

 Self-Actualization Needs – Civic Participation, advocating for causes benefiting the common good, solidifying your spiritual life, becoming active in your religious faith community, financial and talent donation to charity groups, using your creativity to contribute to the community well-being, and problem-solving obstacles and removing barriers for healthy community growth.

 For more information on the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, please watch Professor Magruder’s You Tube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJVXtWc0B4Q

Thank you, Professor Magruder and Professor Johnson from the University of Texas UTA,

School of Social Work!





En Español:  La Pagina cuenta con una opcion para traduccion simultanea. Muchas veces las traducciones cyberneticas cambian involunatariamente la logica de lo escrito, por lo que la mayor parte de la informacion cuentan con una explicacion breve en Espanol. Muchas gracias! 

Arlington, TX, Online Resource Guide –Guía de Recursos de Arlington en línea, es una herramienta gratuita subvencionada por NXT GEN Mental Health establecida con el propósito de asistir y ayudar a individuales y familias requiriendo asistencia. Esta guía trata de conectar a esas personas con los recursos existentes. La página asimila a un trampolín que le conecta a través de vínculos a paginas establecidas de las diferentes organizaciones que ofrecen ayuda. Agregamos la dirección, el teléfono, y el vínculo con cada referido. Todos los vínculos están vigentes al momento de lanzar la página en Octubre, 2023. Los recursos están basados para todos los niveles, desde asistencia básica hasta remuneración espiritual, de acuerdo con la jerarquía de necesitades de Maslow, la persona en su medio ambiente de la Teoría de Sistemas, y la Terapia centrada en la persona de Carl Rogers. Si alguno de los vínculos no funciona, por favor enviar un correo a arlorg811@gmail.com en español. Muchas gracias y esperamos que la pagina le pueda proveer los beneficios esperados.